Cureosities | Launch Day

A few weeks ago, I left the company I had been a part of for the vast majority of my career, a place where I was able to work with visionary clients creating beautiful spaces.  I was surrounded by a creative studio of high level thinkers and leading phenomenal teams.  I was on the career path that I had dreamed about when graduating college. I had a pretty sweet gig.  It was a difficult decision, but it really wasn’t an intellectual, pros and cons type choice so much as just needing to follow the intuitive trajectory of my gut.  It was time to make a change, and thanks to exceptional and varied experience throughout my career, I was in the position to be able to dream about creating my own practice. So with the utmost respect and appreciation for the mentors that have invested so much in me over the years, I took the leap. 

The last few weeks have felt a bit nebulous and blank, like I’m up in the air between two cliff faces with a deep ravine below, having just leapt from the safety of solid ground. Or at the base of a mountain looking up the huge endeavor I’ve chosen to climb. Or at the beginning of river rapids seeing the maneuvering to come. There are so many different nature metaphors that could stand in for this excitement of the challenge laced with this daunting intimidation. It is invigorating to know that I get to work toward my dream, empowered by my belief that it will bring joy to those we serve.  

Cureo home office. Launch day!

Over the past months, I’ve been developing what I believe this new endeavor should be.  Having learned so much about design throughout my career, I was getting to a place of comfort with designing space. It was a familiar process.  In starting up my own business, there have been so many new design challenges and things to learn. Questions like how do you define a company vision and strategy? What sort of legal organization should this be? What do I have to offer that is different than other design firms?  What do I even call this thing?  Some of the answers to those questions, like vision and purpose, are deep-rooted and enduring, but there are others that I know will continue to evolve over time as I learn and Cureo grows.  

Today I’m making movement toward the solid ground on the other side of that ravine (or closer to the mountaintop, whichever metaphor you prefer).  It is the first day out in public for Cureo Architecture + Design. Launch Day. The website is now live, the obligatory socials are being launched, and I’m stepping out in this new role of founder and principal.  I am so excited…but it’s also unnerving knowing that this deeply personal project that I’ve been quietly developing on my own is now out in the public and available for scrutiny.  Channeling Teddy Roosevelt, I am out in the arena more so than I have ever been. There will be great successes, there will be epic failures, but I will set my sights toward daring greatly every step of the way.


Cureosities | The Future, Vol. 1: Intro


Cureosities | Books, Vol.1: Creativity